Sunday, June 04, 2006


If you have already read Day 1 and you are thinking, "Well, the bar has been set too high. The rest of the trip probably sucked." And if you are thinking that, I am thinking about laughing in your face. I am like a high jumper capable of jumping 80" over the bar, and Day 1 was only set at 6". So, yeah.

Day 2, we woke up and convened for breakfast and to discuss the goings on of the previous night. Strangely, I kept hearing people talk about me and my fountain escapade. To me, all it was was a drunk man who was quite warm trying to cool down. Not really anything to write home about. Of course, due to my requirement of keeping it tasty like a job (one that I care about, and try at), I located a beer dispenser in the dining area, one that gave out Negro Modelo. So, I grabbed a glass and made sure my day would be fun, at all of 9:30 in the morning. Upon returning to the table, most people thought I had some raunchy apple juice. "No," I calmly explained, "this is beer." They laughed, and still just thought it was apple juice (well only the people on the trip who didn't know me very well....and Darrell, an impossible skeptic). But, I was definitely drinking beer. Which, in retrospect, was an awful idea. Especially if I had the intention of remembering eating dinner.

Then, we all headed down to the beach for some delicious frisbee playing in the ocean. Unfortunately my SPF 15 was not aware of this and decided to quit working after 20-30 seconds. But, I am cursed with pale Irish-German skin, and as far as I know, the only way I ever develop any color is too first get a fine red base. lUckily I accomplished this quite well by being the water for so long tossing around the frisbee. After possibly an hour or so, Bryan Bell and I decided (which, by the way, Bryan kept with a quite excellent philosophy of not drinking anything sans alcohol the entire trip......exemplary....exemplary) that it was time to truly begin the day. Of course, we had both consumed some beers at breakfast that morning. So, it was back to no other bar then the bar in the pool. And this is when I learned of one of my worst interactions of the trip. I had befriended, or evidently, amused a bartender.

As we approached the bar in the pool to order some lowkey, it is 11:00 in the morning and I am drinking drinks, one of the bartenders says, "Kentucky!....Beam and Coke?" When someone you don't even remember meeting says your name AND calls out your drink, it is well known that it is pretty much a requirement to consume that drink. Fuck me. At that point the Beam and Cokes began flowing. Luckily I am a whiskey and Coke consuming juggernaut and really have no problem drinking them at the same rate as everyone else in the group consumed their beers and various other fruity drinks. The great thing about having a specific drink that bartenders and friends identify you with, is that you really never have to even say what you want. People just know. But they really have no idea. Which led to them having an enjoyable time and me being quite wasted. Which led to them having an even more enjoyable time as I began my shift into "Extreme Entertainment Tim".....doing things like talking to strangers, Goulet-ing, and breakdancing underwater. Unfortunately, this day was much more subdued than it would be later in the trip.....or fortunately however you wish to look at it.

At some point we went and ate lunch....I think once again I ended up with some strange combo of tortilla chips, chunks of meat, and chicken nuggets on my plate. And I consumed it all. Then I resumed (although resumed is the wrong word to use when I never ceased drinking) some fine drinking in the pool. There isn't really too much to talk about for the entire afternoon. I was wasted, suburnt, and being my typical entertaining self. I am sure others could chip in more intimate details, but this is my perspective of the story, and I am giving all the detail I possibly can.

At some point, we returned to our rooms for a brief rest and Christi was kind or unkind enough to give me my first extremely wet, cold towel on my back and shoulders and aloe treatment. I say kind and unkind because she would soak the towel in icy water and then apply it to my back....and laugh the entire time at my dual misfortune of being sunburnt and then extremely cold. But then again, who really knows why the hell Christi is laughing 3/4 of the time.

I believe this was the day that I was so intoxicated in the mid-day that I ended up passing out for quite some time, went and robotically and drunkenly consumed dinner and then had no desire to go out. The combo of drinking, sun and not much sleep in the previous 50 hour period had finally caught up to me. I am sure there are countless details I am leaving out from this day, strange, hilarity filled things that I did, but I will have to wait until I post this and am better informed of such stories prior to writing about them. So, eventually I went out to one of the bars where everyone was, had maybe one drink, and then snuck off to the beach where the chairs still remained, and just laid around gazing at the stars and relaxing. Some people on the trip looked at vacation the wrong way and were constantly in disbelief at my laying around or lack of activity, as I napped an watched many movies and stuff the entire trip. But when I am on vacation, unless I am hanging out with X games friends or something, I would prefer to live the life of choosing to whatever the hell I want. It is the best. I don't typically have time set aside in my normal day to consume a shit ton of liquor and then just lay around in an air conditioned room and watch crappy films. Normally I require decent films. That is Day 2. Day 3 coming soon. I promise. And a regular blog is brewing and should be one of the best you have ever read. Especially since that Sean Hannity blog does not offer all that much in the way of wit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.