Thursday, March 22, 2007

I want to google the worst way

Sounds dirty, doesn't it? I am merely talking about doing an internet search for someone. Although if you say this title phrase with a big country swang it sounds just wrong...also if you replace the word google with "emulate" it sounds bad too (but once again, that just means to act like, or imitate)

This past Tuesday marked the anniversary of me being taken out of my Mom's womb. I turned 24. What an exciting age, thus far marked by arthritic joints, a furthered enjoyment of Matlock reruns, and a lust for food that does not require too much chewing.

Early in the day, probably due in large part to no one at work knowing it was my birthday, (and I, of course did not want a pity happy birthday) I felt sort of humdrum about the day, not all excited and upbeat like one might usually feel on their "special day". Even once I went home, I felt tired and not really all that enthused about going out for some casual brews that evening. But, some people came out, and it was actually a pretty fun night. How odd. Of course I had to have a double of Geritol the next morning to make up for it all.

Fellow "bloggart" (it is a new term that will be sweeping the nation used to describe us people who write this crap ((but not the ones who write about how they feel mocked by society and all that garbage))) (and even when I call him a bloggart, I use that term loosely because he really churns out some crap from time to time) Victor P. sometimes writes a somewhat witty "Dear Vic" column, in which he makes up short letters to him from acquaintances and attempts to either wittily respond to them, or to string together coherent statements, sometimes it is tough to tell. So, I was thinking, "Self, you should do that sometime".

Dear Tim,

I sometimes read your blog and weep at its true beauty, eloquent prose, and sheer superiority to anything I have written, (although I was proud of that post it note I left at that girls house one time in the morning "tootles, I think I love you") so just a quick question; what can I do to aspire to be sort of like you?


Victor, first of all, don't force out so much drivel. I mean look at this direct excerpt:

"Presently, I continue to be dogged with allegations in regards to the strength of my integrity. Not by enemies, former lovers, or barn animals, but by good friends."

Barn animals can't talk, replace this with Vietnamese massage parlor flows a lot better. See?

Secondly, if writing a blog every third day is really what you need to offer self-therapy because someone has called out your abilities as a man (whether it be drinking, with the ladies, playing sports, eating something with pepper on it, etc.), go invest in a trapper keeper and some looseleaf and write it down there. That way I don't have to login to myspace, see the "New Blog Subscription Post" message, and then have to read about how Trevor called you out.


Dear Tim,

I am a woman of what I consider to be many talents. I am good at artistic endeavors, good with people, and have even been through all that college mumbo-jumbo. What next?

-Sarah P.

Dear Sarah,

Anything you want is what is next. You definitely should not be waiting on people at a country club where the best tips you get are those regarding ideas for new employ from those you serve. Do it to it. Also, stop obsessing about your path to sainthood. I don't think that time you put air in your bike tire will really be viewed as one of your miracles.


Dear Tim,

As one of your housemates and close friends, I sometimes marvel at the way you can drink so much, touch the ceiling without jumping, throw out witty comments with ease, and yet still manage to have time to be a genuinely cool and good smelling man. Just out of curiosity, what's the secret?


Dear Paul,

1)I can drink just as much as you can. Don't be so modest.
2)I am tall and that is what causes me to be able to touch the ceiling. Don't worry, I have yet to turn it into anything other than an ability to reach things high on shelves.
3)The wit might be more forced out of a desire to hear laughter. And like a good psychic, you readily forget the stuff I say that is not funny at all (like with psychics saying a bunch of incorrect crap)
4)I shower regularly and make sure to always wear a dash or two of Polo Black cologne.


Dear Tim,

I often come to you with ideas for sports teams that I think seem realistic, and you continue to guide me in the correct direction. What should I do to fix this? Also, can you avoid using big words in the response, they make my brain itch.


Dear Mike,

Do a little research into the subject matter before you come to me with a preposterous idea like: "What the Bulls should really do is build a time machine and pick up that Wilt Chamberlain guy...I heard he was good....or something?" Wilt Chamberlain is dead and John Paxson's time machine building skills are way overrated. That is what I would tell you, or in more verbose form for some brain itching, do not so readily push yourself into a flurry of mental quandaries based solely on the impetus to make a verbalization.


Dear Tim,

Sometimes you offer me advice so logical, it almost does not make sense. And of course, I seldom listen to you. When will I learn?


Dear Melissa,

You won't. That's what makes it so fun to look back in the past and laugh about stuff I have told you. Well, I always get a good laugh out of it at least. I am sure some of the stuff is not really making you have a hearty chuckle.


Dear Tim,

As my only brother, and next closest sibling in age, I sometimes wonder why I too cannot start writing a blog that entertains, informs, and generally improves the general consciousness of society, especially since I am the one with the English degree. Help?


Dear Eileen,

This is just like when we were ages 4 and 5 and sent to the grocery store across the street by our (looking back, seemingly nonchalant and irresponsible) Mom (who sends little kids to the grocery store...I mean, I know there were two of us, but we combined were 9 years old....and I know some 9 year olds who aren't allowed out of the driveway) to buy something which we could never seem to locate. Who always had to ask where it was? Me. And who was always trembling with fear if they had to talk to someone to ask where something was? You. Stop trembling with fear, and start asking where the stuff is.


Dear Tim,

Although I do not ever readily admit this, I think you might be some sort of evolutionary advancement of the human race; while not really good at anything, you are like some sort of otherworldy Renaissance man. Aside from stopping any of the following: pedophilia, beastiality, bulimia, rage, how can I become a better human?


Dear Trevor, should probably stop all those. Thanks for the admiring words...I might testify on your behalf in whatever trial is bound to occur? Does that work?


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I never needed anybody, that won't change now

Hola amigos. I know it has been a while since I rapped at you, but judging from some of the garbled text messages I sent over the course of last Wednesday through Saturday/early Sunday, I am not sure how many people would have continued reading past two or three lines of: "hjdguus jhs sjah aihd" (literally translated to: I believe the socioeconomic problems of subsaharan Africa are based in part on the fact that those nations are still pissed off about their portrayal in the classic films, The Gods Must Be Crazy and The Gods Must Be Crazy II) So, my jibberish translates to a desire to talk partially academically and partially nonsensically. That's what I figure at least.

Here's a brief recap of the days of last week:

Wednesday: Our normal league basketball game followed by Brian, Paul, and me going to our team sponsor, Redmond's, for some beers, followed by our intelligent decision to drink more beer at Doc's. And by intelligent, I mean we must have extremely low IQ's.

Thursday: Bryce calls me, volunteers to pick me up and bring me down to Lincoln Park. Melissa and Sarah meet us out, fun drinking times ensue, complete with Bryce buying many "bombs" as I assured him I needed them to stay awake. By this night I had splotchy red Native American skin like when Logan drinks. How grand. One street brawl later, I end up getting a cab home at 3:30am.

Friday: I somehow make it to work for one my less productive days in a long time. I made no effort to do any work, and my days efforts consisted of bothering Logan, finding a too large QuickBooks polo shirt and wearing it over my other shirt, and complaining to Logan about the softness of my desk (how am I ever supposed to nap?). That evening we go to see the movie 300 as I somehow explain to people it will not be a night of drinking, what with me having work Saturday morning and all. That makes no sense whatsoever, but it is accepted. I fall asleep during part of the beginning of 300 (the boring talking part).

Saturday: I dutifully go to work from 8-12. Go home, go for a run, shower, and then as I had earlier discussed with Paul, we go to Doc's, at around 1:30. Brian,Adam and Kimmie meet us there, then eventually Dave, Trevor and even Mike show up. Needless to say, somehow by 4:00 I am filling out the tip portion of my $160 tab and we are ordering more shots.

On the way home, Paul and I decide we are each going to somehow acquire $60 in singles and when we go out that evening we will "make it rain". We were decidedly too excited about this, and kept laughing and high fiving. For those of you not familiar with making it rain, here is a brief definition:

"When Having a large some Money at one time or various times. And Then going over and throwing it at a hater or a bitch. The money will then fall from above them as if it was raining. This is mainly down to a person you dont like to show how more balla or fresh you are then them . Which will make fun of them . Mainly done in front of others to show off making the crowd laugh "

However it seemed that the all day drinking and then continued drinking into the evening made us to forget to actually go through with the raining (I think). It also caused me some confusion the next day when I had cash in my pocket.

Needless to say the whole evening, as I remember it, was full of drinking, smiling, and being merry. (except for the fighting that went down at the house before we left. but even that I think involved drinking, smiling, and some sort of merriment)

One of the more fun activities I enjoyed on Friday at work was my attempt at becoming a "spammer". What follows are the e-mails I sent to Logan, at his work e-mail account, but in not so spammy fashion, I sent them from my work e-mail account. So I guess they were the worst spam ever.

Spam 1: Subject: Please Take My Kingdom's Millions!

"Hello sir,
I am the son of a deposed African king. Currently the government is trying to take our money, but if you provide me with your bank information, so that your account can hold my money, there will be millions in it for you!

Tim Radway
Kenny & Kenny, P.C.

(Note how I even left my work e-mail signature. I would be a top spammer in no time)

Spam 2: Subject: 3 INCHES


Tim Radway
Kenny & Kenny, P.C.
(708)386-0600 "



Tim Radway
Kenny & Kenny, P.C.
(708)386-0600 "

So, basically I would match all those automated programs that send out spam in both speed and content. Or not.

As I believe I have already let many people know, I have decided that I will be leaving the Chicagoland area in the beginning of June for the sunny West Coast. I will be finding a part time job somewhere in the LA area, and then spending more time on this "writing" crap and probably trying to join some improv groups as well as meet lots of new people. Hopefully I will catch a studio exec in some sort of murder/affair combo, and blackmail them into casting me in roles of no importance in many low budget crappy films, thus leading people to recognize me, but have no idea from where for many years to come. I know it is quite a stretch to think that any of this could happen, but why not? I think the people in my life would much prefer I tried this out now then say, when I am 38 and married with two kids and decide I want to chase some crazy whim. So, on Monday June 4th, I will be packing up the car and driving upwards of 50 mph towards California, on pace to arrive by mid-August. Ha. Happy St.Paddy's Day.